Vichardharah Spiritual Social NationalA New Meaning to the Passion & Pleasure of Giving, Sharing, Serving and Loving… Unconditionally!

Hello everyone -

I am truly delighted to share with you my immense pleasure that a flow of boundless-ideas called
VICHARDHARAH, to function as a Trust has been launched on the auspicious day of Baisakhi, 13
April 2010. The day is especially significant for the torch-bearer of VICHARDHARAH, Learned &
Reverend Kishoore Khanna, has completed his 4 decades of uninterrupted journey which he started
on 13 April 1970 when he set to move out of his home for taking up his first job. 40 years later, he
wishes to pay back, with expression of gratitude, by serving others. This move, according to him, is
not without a selfish motive – an attempt in search of true happiness!

VICHARDHARAH is result of his idea erupted 15 years back. Every idea was put on paper and
saved similar to contemporary “BLOG”. Looking back, Rev. Mr Khanna wonders why we have had
to lose our values in the process of making progress! This so called progress, with the erosion of
values, is creating havoc!! A simple answer lies in the logical question “can any thing stay erect
without a foundation – the roots in our cultural heritage in this instance?”

VICHARDHARAH has taken birth out of this concern and to address this problem, especially
focusing, adolescents, teenagers, youth and young adult, the pioneers of our tomorrow.

I solicit your support and invite your contribution by relating to VICHARDHARAH website:

I look forward to the pleasure of receiving your well intended Good Wishes for the success of this
endeavour – a path needing undivided focus, determination, & one which is full of challenges…

Thank you for giving time to see what is all about.

Thanks once again….

Mrs Kavita Khanna
Homemaker / Entrepreneur
President & Founder of VICHARDHARAH